Our 2015 European Adventure

Monday, 6.29.2015

We’re up plenty early, finish off our packing and the head downstairs and to the train to the airport. An easy ride (two stops and 29 minutes) and we’re at the Lyon airport and check in for our flight to Frankfurt. While we wait we have the standard croissants, yogurt, café au lait and orange juice for breakfast.

Then our short flight and a three hour layover in Frankfurt. Just enough time to get a burger and for Lynn to have one last German beer.

Our flight home left about an hour late while they begged for people to give up their seats in return for 600 euros (wish we had the time) but we got home just about thirty minutes later than scheduled. A long but uneventful flight but so weird that it never got dark as we were headed west. We left about 4:30 p.m. Frankfurt time and arrived home ten and half hours later at 6:00 p.m.

We head through customs with our luggage (no issues) and then to the light rail and eventually Chinatown. Tim and Meghan meet us at the station and load our luggage. By now we are totally clueless as to time and day but we make a stop at Tai Tung just to pretend it is dinner time. Then home to Abigail and the cat and a quick check that all four of our 2005 wines were safe. Yes!!!

Thus ends the 2015 European Adventure of Lynn and Dave.